Sunday, October 20

World Poverty

World Poverty

Hi readers! How are you? know what? Today, we, Al-Fateh's Heirs are back to cheer your life! Weehaa~~ The topic that is going to chew over Poverty. Hmmm..What is poverty?

Poverty can be defined as the situation or experience of being poor, dire need of financial aid, shortage of food to nourish themselves, no house to shelter on, or in the other word is deficiency of basic living things.

Poverty prompt to hunger-causes-diseases which lead to death mostly at low-income countries such as Somalia, Ethiopia, Nepal, Haiti and Nigeria. The poor have insufficient money to buy nutritious food. The rise of living expenses causes items being sell in higher prices, therefore, poor individuals are unable to survive well. Being constantly malnourished, they become weaker and sick. 

 Causes of World Poverty
  • War
We can see this situation at Syria now. People of Syria are besieged by the military force until they cannot go out to get their own needs. Food, milks for the babies and medicines are barred from entering their village. Mostly of the innocent children are suffering from hunger and dying to death as their low immunity unable to cope with malnutrition .
This Syrian child died last year because of malnutrition

  • Drought
As we know nowadays, our planet or world were affected by the global warming that cause the temperature are increasing dramatically. This cause the place or countries that have  hot climate to be drought. Therefore, the drought that happen in the countries, for example, at South Africa, cause the crop unable to produce yield and this lead to the lacking of food sources.
    Lacking of food sources cause the people to starve and lead to the decreasing of nutrition in their body that cause malnutrition and other disease. Beside that, the drought also cause world poverty because of the reducing of economics outcome at once cause the people to have low quality of life.

Dry earth that cause plant are unable to grow.

Solution to overcome poverty.
World leaders recently committed themselves to cutting the number of people living in extreme poverty in half by 2015. That includes people whose income is less than one dollar a day.
Most of the country’s leader work hard to prevent and try to end the cycle of poverty in this world especially for the growing country.

5 ways to end poverty
Poverty is passed from one generation to the next. To prevent it happen again in the future, we suggest
some ways to eliminate poverty from the poor and growing country such as Africa. Youth in Timor-Leste receive vocational training skills to start their own business.

Rise up the education among children.
1.     With a quality education, children will get the knowledge and life skills they need to realize their full potential. Education is essential in creating change in a child’s life. By having a  training teachers, building new schools and breaking down barriers that prevent many children, and girls in particular, from attending school, the country people can start their new generation with no more poverty in their life.

Establish the  health care.

2.     Access to health care is essential. By the initiative of building the health clinics, train health care workers and invest in equipment and medicine so children can grow up healthy and strong. Thus, this can settle the problem of malnutrition among children.

Increase the water sources and sanitation.

3.     Water and sanitation are essential for every child’s survival. Every year, country’s  leaders help communities build school latrines, community water points and helps to establish organizations to ensure the continued management and maintenance of water points. This can overcome the needed in water sources from the people to carry on their life activities.

Increasing country economy.

4.     Plan from the head leader of certain country  help to overcome poverty by helping communities around the world gain the economic security they need to thrive. Plan is training people living in poverty to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to secure a livelihood, and support their families. They were trained to have some skills to manage their life and also support their family needed.

Participation of children.

5.      Plan helps children learn their rights and take active roles within their community. Child participation helps children engage in citizenship, express their views and make decisions that will shape their future and influence the people around them.

Practice Sadaqah (Donation)
6. In Islam, Allah teach the Muslims to give sadaqah to the poor and needy as the best way to overcome poverty, erases the oncoming problems . Sadaqah is an Islamic term that means voluntary charity, such as a charitable act, charitable giving, or money given in charity with the intention of seeking the pleasure of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. He says in Holy Quran: 
"Who is it that will offer of Allah a goodly gift, so He will mutiply it to him manifold and Allah straitens and amplifies, and you shall be returned to Him" (Al-Baqarah : Verses 245). 
Sadaqah doesn't decrease the giver's wealth but it reflects on the giver and benefits him as much as the recipient. Allah already promised in His Quran, reassured His slaves who gives sadaqah that they will be given rewards on the Day of Resurrection. He pledged in Al-Baqarah, verses 261 : 
"The likeness who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, is as the likeness of a grain, it grows seven ears, and each ear has hundred grains, and Allah multiplies (increase the reward) for whom He wills. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All Knower". 
Sadaqah protects from calamity, extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire, and provides shade on the Day of Resurrection.

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