Saturday, October 26

Kids In The 90's VS Kids Now

Our childhood days was way different than nowadays right? I believe most of Al-Fateh’s Heir (AFH) viewers will agree with me. I believe if we compare 10 years back with the present, various things has changed. Not only our way communication has changed but community system and culture has been vary in order to be in line with todays modern era.

People nowadays are 100% relying on technology. Without it, the world will turn upside down. Can you imagine today's  life without a cellphone. I bet your life will be miserable. The huge difference is on the life of kids nowadays.10 years before, we don’t play video games like PSP, PS3, Nintendo Wii. 

Most of us that live 10 years ago spend their time reading books, playing at the playground or the most is playing games at arcade.If the home had a television, it was in a common area and controlled by adults. But now, we live in community that basically ruled by children as if they are the king of the house.Their parents just seat back and just watch what their children are watching.

Before this, there is limited access to the Internet but now internet are essential things needed in our daily life. Without internet, most of our daily system we’ll be fluctuate and become imbalance. It connects us with the world outside there.

A decade a go, only a few teenagers can further their studies to university because not all can afford although you have the brain. Only those who are capable in terms of money and knowledge that can further. But today, with the world at our fingertips,we can easily find a way to further study like loans and scholarships. The only we need today is the solemnity to achieve success.

Whatever era we lived on today, the important thing is to have strength to survive because the world tomorrow wouldn’t be the same as today. So strengthen your mental sa well as physical because you may have brain but you don’t might have the brawns.

Alright then, till we meet again. Bubye!! :)

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