Saturday, October 26

Kids In The 90's VS Kids Now

Our childhood days was way different than nowadays right? I believe most of Al-Fateh’s Heir (AFH) viewers will agree with me. I believe if we compare 10 years back with the present, various things has changed. Not only our way communication has changed but community system and culture has been vary in order to be in line with todays modern era.

People nowadays are 100% relying on technology. Without it, the world will turn upside down. Can you imagine today's  life without a cellphone. I bet your life will be miserable. The huge difference is on the life of kids nowadays.10 years before, we don’t play video games like PSP, PS3, Nintendo Wii. 

Most of us that live 10 years ago spend their time reading books, playing at the playground or the most is playing games at arcade.If the home had a television, it was in a common area and controlled by adults. But now, we live in community that basically ruled by children as if they are the king of the house.Their parents just seat back and just watch what their children are watching.

Before this, there is limited access to the Internet but now internet are essential things needed in our daily life. Without internet, most of our daily system we’ll be fluctuate and become imbalance. It connects us with the world outside there.

A decade a go, only a few teenagers can further their studies to university because not all can afford although you have the brain. Only those who are capable in terms of money and knowledge that can further. But today, with the world at our fingertips,we can easily find a way to further study like loans and scholarships. The only we need today is the solemnity to achieve success.

Whatever era we lived on today, the important thing is to have strength to survive because the world tomorrow wouldn’t be the same as today. So strengthen your mental sa well as physical because you may have brain but you don’t might have the brawns.

Alright then, till we meet again. Bubye!! :)

Impoliteness Among Teenagers

Hi guys! Thanks again for viewing our blog. Today, Al- Fateh’s Heir (AFH) will share with you guys an entry on amorality or in the other word is impoliteness ..Why impoliteness?? Well, as you guys know, teenagers nowadays are most likely to downgrade their morality and prefer to live in uncivilized environment.What I mean is that they tend to be a person that live against the rules and beyond their norms. Example, raising high voice to elder people, bullying or intimidating people with the threat of violence or social exclusion or even farting or burping at a certain place in-front of somebody. 

Quarelling are the most impolite things that always happen in our daily life.

 After AFH made a few research through the net, we found  few major reasons of why this thing happen in our society especially among student:

1.Lack of Love form Parents and religious education       
Parents are always the starting point on developing children. It becomes the initial point for those kids in nurturing good traits, love and positive behaviour . Parents that spend less time with their children are most likely to have their children grew up into a teenager with less respect towards them. Right after that, when their kids show negative attitude,their parents will be mostly scolding them rather than having a family discussion.

2.Media mass influence:
The media in itself is so addictive that once glued to it, you tend to forget everything else no matter you are an adult or a teenager. When you are not watching TV, you are surfing the Internet, when you are not on the web, you are reading newspapers, when you are not reading anything, you are listening to something. Thus, all the time, you are glued to some form of media. It is bombarding you with content, news, information, gossip, rumors - it is exposing you to everything it has, some things necessary, some not; some things important, some not, some things you want to ignore, some things you cannot. Media is everywhere, affecting every aspect of life.In addition, nowadays, more scene that rated under 18PG (age 18 below need parental advisor) are not been filtered and it can be access easily through the net. Therefore, young minds are susceptible to what they are portrayed.

3. Peer Pressure
Despite of their lack of time spending with their parents, they always use up most of their time with their peers like at school or while hanging out together. Therefore, their behaviour and habits are mostly influenced by their friends.Thus, good friends will bring good behaviours and habits and vice versa.

Ok then, AFH will likely to give  a few suggestions on how to overcome incivility among teenagers.

1. Parents need to be a great role model to them by showing positive traits to them.
2. Always create general conversations with them to let them feel comfortable when talking to you.
3. Instill religious education in them. So that they wouldn’t go beyond their norm as a human and a servant to The Almighty God
4.Teenagers should be selective in choosing friends, Choose a friend that can guide you or at least that won’t bring you down
5. They themself should avoid  certain group of peers that pretend to be cool by doing violence 

Well, there’s all AFH want to share for today..Till we meet again next time..Tataa J

Culture's Taboos

The DO’s and TABOOS of Body Language Around the World written by Jon Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1998.

I’ve been read the book which the author has been presenting seminars, speeches and workshops around the United States, about past decade on the subject of international behavior. This book is the result of accumulation of more than ten years of research on the subject and it includes research on his travels to England, Germany, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. All this reinforced a conviction that gestures are powerful communicators used by people all over the world.

The purpose of this book is to let people know how powerful gestures can be when used correctly or incorrectly. He also wants you to know how a gesture can mean one thing here and another thing somewhere else, something as simple as a wave good bye, could get you into a lot of trouble in another country. 

They group the countries by major geographic region.

The organization of the book was a combination of narrative and topical. The basic point of view of the entire book was that if you are planning to leave the United States and travel to another country, you better either keep your hands in you pockets at all times or know the proper gesture for the country you intend on visiting. 

I would like to site some examples.

A Malaysian couple on an auto tour in Australia was stopped by a police officer in Sydney for failing to signal before turning. Since they were tourists the officer gave them only a friendly warning. Relieved, the Malaysian man responded with a smile and the thumbs-up sign. The police officer became enraged, ordered the couple out of the car, called a backup, searched the car, and finally gave the driver an expensive ticket. Later, back in their hotel and recounting their experience, the tourist learned that in Australia the thumbs-up gesture means "screw you!"

As you can see this book has a humorous, but yet serious overtone. It covers important aspects of body languages & gestures in society which is serious stuff, that has a very strong impact on all that come in contact with you. Yet the author is able to express it in a comical nature. I enjoyed the book immensely.

There are many ways the ideas in this book can be related to sociology. In fact the whole book is directly related to the subject of sociology especially the culture aspect of it. I will explain in the following paragraphs.


Anthologists divide our actions and gestures into three broad categories: instinctive, coded and acquired.

· Instinctive gestures are those we do almost unconsciously. An example would be when we are suddenly shocked or surprised, we tend to slap the back of our heads.

· Coded or technical, gestures are created by preestablished agreement. For example hand signals used by TV directors, referees, umpires and brokers in the stock market.

· Acquired gestures, meaning our socially generated and acquired gestures. This grouping of gestures has been loosely and informally collected among separate societies. The acquired gestures come from different cultures. Each individual culture or sub-culture has its very own acquired gestures or mannerisms.


I learned the difference between what we, as Malaysians, consider to be consensual in the area of gestures. If you attempt to take your Malaysian gestures and attitudes to another country, you're in for quite the culture shock. An example of the culture shock you may experience if you were to enter an American home would be that they always keep the bathroom door partially open to indicate that it is unoccupied. As where a Malaysian home usually keeps its bathroom door always closeeven it is not unoccupied. So in Europe, you would always knock on the door first. 

The differences in culture are amazing, Especially in the areas of gestures. A person lacking knowledge of this could find himself in hot water if he were to visit one of our neighboring countries. Things that we do strictly out of habit as Malaysians, could be misconstrued as rude or offensive in other corners of the world. I will let you in on some of them.

In Austria, Men rise when a woman enters the room. Chewing gum in public is considered inappropriate. Hands in pockets when conversing should be avoided. Placing your hands in your lap during a meal is considered rude. Malaysians usually do abide by these rules.

In England, Scotland and Wales, loud conversations and any form of boisterousness in public places should be avoided. Do not stare at someone in public. If you smoke, it is the custom to offer cigarettes to others in your conversational group before lighting up. Where, it goes same too us in Malaysia.

In Turkey, inadvertently pointing the sole of your shoe toward someone is an insult. Ask permission before smoking. It is considered impolite to smoke or eat while on a public street. It is considered rude to cross your arms over your chest or having your hands in your pocket when conversing with someone. You must remove your shoes when entering a Turkish home. Turkish women will not converse with a man in casual conversation until they have been formally introduced. The thing that I found most interesting is that the "O.K." circle made with the thumb and forefinger signifies homosexuality in their culture.

In Iran, Shaking hands with a child shows respect for his parents. People rarely exhibit any signs of affection in public. The thumbs up sign is considered vulgar. Avoid blowing your nose in public. Refrain from slouching in a chair or stretching your legs out in front of you. Also watch that dreaded pointing the sole of your shoe , which again is considered offensive to anyone seeing it (keep you feet planted flat to keep yourself out of trouble).

In Saudi Arabia, A man accompanied by a veiled woman will probably not introduce her. Among the males, an embrace and cheek-kiss may be added to their greeting. Women are not permitted to drive vehicles. Take your shoes off before entering a room, any room. Any display of intimate areas of the body is disliked; this includes bare shoulders, stomach, and calves and thighs. Smoking of cigarettes in public is not common practice. However, it is not uncommon in some Saudi locations to pass the water pipe or hookah around to all those present in a room.

In Japan, displays of emotion-fear, anger, exuberance- are rare because they are taught to suppress any such displays, especially in public. Standing with arms folded across the chest signals that the person is thinking intently. Women should avoid wearing high heels so as not to risk towering over Japanese counterparts. Periods of silence may occur during meetings, do not rush to fill the silent void, they are just stopping to contemplate. Displaying a open mouth is considered rude. 

In Pakistan, eat only with the right hand because the left hand is used for bodily hygiene and is considered unclean. Also never offer to shake hands with your left hand for the same reason. Women are kept separated in social situations. Two men may be seen walking along holding hands. This is nothing more than a sign of friendship, not homosexuality. 

Last, but not least, In the good Malaysia, the only time you will see two men walking down the street holding hands is if they are openly homosexual. Stand at least an arm’s length away from each other while conversing or standing in public, we tend to need our comfort zone respected. Direct eye contact while conversing is very important. There are two well-know rude and insulting gestures in the Malaysia. Both are recognized in all parts of the country. They are the middle finger thrust and the forearm jerk, these gestures could get you into trouble. We wave to say "hello" or "good-bye".

We must learn that every culture has different types of values, beliefs, customs, norms and taboos. We have to except them and respect them for what they are and who they are. When going to other parts of the world and meeting people or when they come to our part of the world and we greet them it is very important to put ourselves in their shoes and not judge their traditions, values and ways of communicating. We must educate ourselves to their ways and except them for what they are. Our convictions and beliefs are no better than there’s, they are just different. As human beings we must learn to adapt to each others differences and learn to except them, which is sometimes hard for people who do not understand them.

Most Malaysians tend to be insensitive to their ways of others, especially those who come from our neighboring countries, which tends to create tension among those people. To be honest I found some of the behaviors of other countries strange, such as women not being allowed to drive a motor vehicle in Saudi Arabia. If I was not allowed to drive because I was a female I would be quite angry. I also would probably be one of the first people to accuse someone of being homosexual, especially men, if I were to see two people of the same sex walking down the street holding hands. Those are things we need to except because this is part of someone’s culture. If this was how they were raised, and the things that they believe to be OK, who are we to judge it? But, things with the homosexual is strongly cannot be accepted by my religion.

Since reading this book I have really opened my eyes to the way other countries do things that we might find unexceptable, and I now find them expectable. Had I not read this book I might have never opened my eyes to these cultural differences.

Baby Dumping

Baby dumping

Definition: baby dumping can be defining as leaving alone or discarding a new-born baby or a kid below 12 month. Usually, babies were dumping at the public or private place such as: toilet, mosque, temple, church, and some predicts place such as dustbin.

Causes of baby dumping:

1) Parents
2) Friends
3) Website
4) Ourselves

Parents play an important role on giving a knowledge and theology to their children. Some parents are fail to control their temper when knowing their daughter was pregnant under age and they just abandon their daughter that cause the girl are stressing and take the simple solution to dump the baby.

When children come into the teen age and furthering their study at public or private university, they meet a new friend with different background. A good friend will conduct us to do a good things but a bad and wild friend will cause a bad influence to use such as involves us to a social problem that cause baby dumping.

Nowadays, children or teen are exposing with insecure things in the website which they can easily access to anything they want to know. Through our economics progress nowadays, teenagers are easily to browser any website including pornographic materials and sex oriented film. This all sources can cause teenagers have a desire to try what they saw and this lead to the social problem and finally cause the baby dumping.

Everything is start up from us. Community now is repeating the old acting of jahiliah which is dumping baby or kill them especially baby girl just because they want to protect the family dignity. Pressure from the community force the baby dumper take the stupid solution to cover their sins having an illegal baby by dumped the baby. We can read on the newspaper or listen to the radio and others mass media about the baby dumping. Every year, cases about baby dumping increasing day by day. 

 All the babies are found in the garbage who dumped  by their own heartless mothers. Some of the babies success to survive, while the rest are dead.

The statistic of baby dumping which is reported by PDRM

Oh mom! Don't dumped us, please raise me up!


As we know, the major cause of baby dumping is pre-marital sex or in Islam, muslim call it as zina. Because of shame, the mothers of the babies are reluctant to raise their babies. So, to overcome baby dumping means that to prevent the zina from occur. Like the old folk says, "Prevention is Better Than Cure"

  • Avoid from involving in love relationship and keep away yourselves from go nigh to zina

Both women and men should avoid themselves from approaching zina by not having any love relationship with different gender. Allah says: 
"And come not nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils)"(AL ISRA : verse 32)
This sin is so hateful in the sight of Our Lord, that He commanded us to not even go near it. Despite what anyone may say, looking upon that which one is not supposed to is going near adultery. For an illicit affair begins with a lustful glance. Allah wishes for us not to commit this ugly sin, and thus He commands us to lower our gazes. Allah says:

"Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers! Turn ye all together towards Allah that ye may attain Bliss"
(An-Noor : verse 30-31)
Lowering the gaze does not mean keeping our eyes constantly on the ground and not looking up at all. It is turning our faces away when we see a less-than-decently dressed woman or man walking on the street in the middle of the day or at any time.

Also, on the authority of Jurayr r.a. who said, "I asked the Prophet Muhammad pbu. about accidentally looking at something that is not allowed (women's aurah) and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, " Turn your eyes away ."  (Sahih Muslim) 
The Apostle, Muhammad pbuh said more : "O group of youths, whosoever amongst you has the means of getting married, should do so because it lowers the gaze and protects the private parts; and whosoever does not have the ability, should fast, for indeed, it is a protection for him."  (Sahih Al-Bukhari) 
Muhammad pbuh said: “The zina of the eyes is looking, the zina of the ears is listening, the zina of the tongue is speaking, the zina of the hand is touching, and the zina of the foot is walking. The heart wishes and longs and the private part confirms that or denies it.” (Sahih Muslim)

  •  Women should wear hijab and cover her aurah
Women should wear hijab and cover her aurah properly because in Islam every hair that is shown to a non-mahram is counted as a sin. Multiply the number of hairs by the number of non-mahram who see your hair daily and by the number of days you went out without Hijaab and the number of pictures you took without Hijaab.

A women in Hijab is like a jewel that is of high exceptional value and that which must be kept hidden. Wearing the Hijab is a choice that Muslim women make. To discard the Hijab or expose that part of her body ordered covered by the Divine Law is to disobey Islamic principles and a women's basic Islamic belief.
Islam commands women to cover their bodies so as not to trouble men who are weak and unable to resist temptation. In Islam, men and women are commanded to dress modestly and not appear "naked" in public, even in all male and female situations.

Just as a short skirt or a see-through dress can send the signal that the wearer is available to men, so the Hijab signals, loud and clear: "I am forbidden to you." Wearing the Hijab protects the female from harassment and men. It is the western women who are to be pitied for displaying their private self for all to see.

An American, Ruth Anderson, has said: "Hijab is not a sign of backwardness, ignorance or mental incompetence, but a woman's duty and her right."

We are here in this temporary Dunya to use our beauty according to the conditions Allah has put for us.

Our  Allah has blessed women with beauty which is to be kept precious and rare. And not put on display for everyone to see. Precious things are to be kept safe and hidden.

Allah says: "O prophet! tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested: and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
(Al-Ahzab: verse 59)


A flower and a pearl were engrossed in conversation when suddenly a tinge of distress appeared on the flower. " Nothing accounts for sorrow in your talk; so why are you depressed?" Ī¤he pearl asked. Ī¤he flower sighed : "Humans deal with us carelessly, they slight us. They don't grow us for our sake but to get pleasure from our fragrance and beautiful appearance. They throw us on the street or in the garbage can after we are dispossessed of the most valuable properties, brilliance and fragrance."

And then the flower said to the pearl: " Speak to me about your life! How do you live? How do you feel? Buried in the bottom of the sea?"

Ī¤he pearl answered: "Although I have none of your distinctive colors and sweet scents, humans think I'm precious. Ī¤hey do the impossible to procure me. They go on long journeys, dive deep in seas searching for me. You might be astounded to know that the further I lay, the more beautiful and brilliant I become. That's what raises my value in their thought. I live in a thick shell isolated in the dark seas. However, I'm happy and proud to be in a safe zone far from wanton and mischievous hands and still the humans consider me highly valuable"....<3

Do you know what the flower and the pearl symbolizes?

You will find that the flower is the woman who shows her charms and the pearl is the veiled woman who conceals her beauties..

Subhan'Allah ♡. Those of  us who aren't in scarf let is make an intention to go into scarf. Those of  us who are  in scarf let us make an intention to go into abaya. Those of  us who are in abaya let us make an intention to go into niqab. Those of  us who are in niqab let us ask for istiqamah and make an intention to increase.

♥ O Muslimah... Be Like a Pearl which is Precious and Rare~ and Not a Like A Stone which is found Everywhere! ♥

  • Early Marriage
One of the purposes of marriage is finding tranquillity and comfort in another person. And people at a young age need that most. They can start to feel lonely, have low self esteem etc. Most people think that girlfriends and boyfriends are only for sex. But most youngsters get into these relationships also to avoid feelings of loneliness and have that partner to support them emotionally. And what is marriage except an amazing friendship after all? 

Marriage today is not only a solution to physical zina (haram relationships) but also as a protection from the zina of the eyes watching indecency). Most young muslims suffer from this problem as well. And this leaves their iman destroyed. And most never recover from it. 

Islam strongly encourages marriage, because marriage is valid according to sharia means has completed half of his faith and follow the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. This is based on the words of the Prophet Muhammad,

"Whoever got married, then he has completed half of his faith. And should he devoted to God in maintaining the other half. " (Narrated by ath-Thabrani)
  • Practice hudud for those who commit zina
The government should practice hudud (Allah's law) and punish those who commit zina according to Allah's law. According to law that is set up by Allah, the punishment for non-married person is 100 lashes and married person must be stoned. This punishment is proved by Quran and Sunnah. And the one who perform the punishment must be leader or one has a big influence. Citizens can't punish even if they knew that a person commited zina (by four witnesses or the commitee admits). If they knew, they must go to a court or their leader.

A man came to Allah's Messenger (saws) while he was in the mosque, and he called him, saying, "O Allah's Messenger (saws)! I have committed ‘zina’  (adultery)."  The Prophet (saws) turned his face to the other side, but that man repeated his statement four times, and after he bore witness against himself four times, the Prophet (saws) called him, saying, "Are you mad?" The man said, "No." The Prophet (saws) said, "Are you married?"  The man said, "Yes."  Then the Prophet (saws) said, "Take him away and stone him to death."  Jabir bin 'Abdullah said: "I was among the ones who participated in stoning him and we stoned him at the Musalla. When the stones troubled him, he fled, but we over took him at Al-Harra and stoned him to death"
People who does not have knowledge about hudud tend to doubtful to practice hudud. They think that hudud is a mean law. Hudud is a law which is made by Allah.Yes, Allah is the one who made it. Allah's law would never wrong like us, He  would never forget like us and He would never confuse like us. Allah has prescribed hudud to deter and purge the wrongdoers. Hudud deter those who commit crimes and prevent them from committing them again; they further discourage other people from committing crimes. Some people say that the hudud are harsh. In fact, harshness is sometimes required for reform. Moreover, what is the alternative for hudud? The alternative in a man-made system of justice is imprisonment, which does not deter criminals. And a large percentage of criminals repeat their evil acts with more severe and harmful results after being released from prison. They become more hardened in their criminal intent and, unfortunately for society, have gained in criminal know-how from the malevolent experiences of their fellow criminals while in jail.

Sunday, October 20

World Poverty

World Poverty

Hi readers! How are you? know what? Today, we, Al-Fateh's Heirs are back to cheer your life! Weehaa~~ The topic that is going to chew over Poverty. Hmmm..What is poverty?

Poverty can be defined as the situation or experience of being poor, dire need of financial aid, shortage of food to nourish themselves, no house to shelter on, or in the other word is deficiency of basic living things.

Poverty prompt to hunger-causes-diseases which lead to death mostly at low-income countries such as Somalia, Ethiopia, Nepal, Haiti and Nigeria. The poor have insufficient money to buy nutritious food. The rise of living expenses causes items being sell in higher prices, therefore, poor individuals are unable to survive well. Being constantly malnourished, they become weaker and sick. 

 Causes of World Poverty
  • War
We can see this situation at Syria now. People of Syria are besieged by the military force until they cannot go out to get their own needs. Food, milks for the babies and medicines are barred from entering their village. Mostly of the innocent children are suffering from hunger and dying to death as their low immunity unable to cope with malnutrition .
This Syrian child died last year because of malnutrition

  • Drought
As we know nowadays, our planet or world were affected by the global warming that cause the temperature are increasing dramatically. This cause the place or countries that have  hot climate to be drought. Therefore, the drought that happen in the countries, for example, at South Africa, cause the crop unable to produce yield and this lead to the lacking of food sources.
    Lacking of food sources cause the people to starve and lead to the decreasing of nutrition in their body that cause malnutrition and other disease. Beside that, the drought also cause world poverty because of the reducing of economics outcome at once cause the people to have low quality of life.

Dry earth that cause plant are unable to grow.

Solution to overcome poverty.
World leaders recently committed themselves to cutting the number of people living in extreme poverty in half by 2015. That includes people whose income is less than one dollar a day.
Most of the country’s leader work hard to prevent and try to end the cycle of poverty in this world especially for the growing country.

5 ways to end poverty
Poverty is passed from one generation to the next. To prevent it happen again in the future, we suggest
some ways to eliminate poverty from the poor and growing country such as Africa. Youth in Timor-Leste receive vocational training skills to start their own business.

Rise up the education among children.
1.     With a quality education, children will get the knowledge and life skills they need to realize their full potential. Education is essential in creating change in a child’s life. By having a  training teachers, building new schools and breaking down barriers that prevent many children, and girls in particular, from attending school, the country people can start their new generation with no more poverty in their life.

Establish the  health care.

2.     Access to health care is essential. By the initiative of building the health clinics, train health care workers and invest in equipment and medicine so children can grow up healthy and strong. Thus, this can settle the problem of malnutrition among children.

Increase the water sources and sanitation.

3.     Water and sanitation are essential for every child’s survival. Every year, country’s  leaders help communities build school latrines, community water points and helps to establish organizations to ensure the continued management and maintenance of water points. This can overcome the needed in water sources from the people to carry on their life activities.

Increasing country economy.

4.     Plan from the head leader of certain country  help to overcome poverty by helping communities around the world gain the economic security they need to thrive. Plan is training people living in poverty to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to secure a livelihood, and support their families. They were trained to have some skills to manage their life and also support their family needed.

Participation of children.

5.      Plan helps children learn their rights and take active roles within their community. Child participation helps children engage in citizenship, express their views and make decisions that will shape their future and influence the people around them.

Practice Sadaqah (Donation)
6. In Islam, Allah teach the Muslims to give sadaqah to the poor and needy as the best way to overcome poverty, erases the oncoming problems . Sadaqah is an Islamic term that means voluntary charity, such as a charitable act, charitable giving, or money given in charity with the intention of seeking the pleasure of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. He says in Holy Quran: 
"Who is it that will offer of Allah a goodly gift, so He will mutiply it to him manifold and Allah straitens and amplifies, and you shall be returned to Him" (Al-Baqarah : Verses 245). 
Sadaqah doesn't decrease the giver's wealth but it reflects on the giver and benefits him as much as the recipient. Allah already promised in His Quran, reassured His slaves who gives sadaqah that they will be given rewards on the Day of Resurrection. He pledged in Al-Baqarah, verses 261 : 
"The likeness who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, is as the likeness of a grain, it grows seven ears, and each ear has hundred grains, and Allah multiplies (increase the reward) for whom He wills. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All Knower". 
Sadaqah protects from calamity, extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire, and provides shade on the Day of Resurrection.

Sunday, October 6


 In the name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful 

Hi readers! Welcome to Al-Fateh's Heir Blogspot. Al-Fateh? Who is Al-Fateh? Al-Fateh is none of our name but he is the greatest king in Islam's empire who used to conquer a quarter of this earth few hundreds years back. We are taking his name as we're setting our steps, moving forward, braving all the horrendous obstacles to be as great as him. You must be wondering who is the owner of this blogspot right? This blogpot is owned by 2 cute princesses and 2 charming princes of UniKL Micet. Haha..actually we are not that cute and charming. It is just a mere saying. So, let we introduce ourself first. So, lend us your ears and make sure you're eager enough to recognize us, readers. 

I'm Nisa :)

Peace be upon to you, my dear readers. My name is Khairunnisa binti Kamaruzaman. I was born on 27 October 1994 in Ipoh, Perak. I am a Malaysian and the first child of three siblings. I live in Taiping, a town which rich with its natural beauty and eye-catching sceneries. My mother’s name is Marina binti Ahmad and my father’s name is Kamaruzaman bin Mat Shik. My mother is a staff nurse and my father is a Public Health Assistant. They divorced since I was a kid. My brother's name is Muhammad Bukhari. He is a student of SMKA Kerian and now he is struggling with his becoming SPM. (Goodluck my dear, you can do it! Chaiyok!) My eldest sister is Iqlima Humaira. She is 14 years old and now studying at SMK Dr Burhanuddin, Taiping.

I am a pleasant girl who has a good attitude, cheerful, committed, easy-going and able to face any obstacle. I am also a loving and sweet-tempered person. I love to make friends with other people and often play with kids that I met. I am an individual who is full of spirit and excitement. I love to cook and often surfing on the internet to find new tempted finger likin' good recipe to try on.

My primary school is SK Bukit Balai, Lenggong Then, I pursued my study at MRSM Merbok. After that, I got opportunity to continue my study at MRSM Taiping. Then, I entered Perak Matriculation College and pursued in foundation in science at there. Now, I'm taking Bachelor of Chemical Engineering in Bioprocess at my beloved UniKL Micet.

My brother, my sister and my mum.

Red Velvet cake that I made on my own. yummy!


I'm Wazirah


My name is Fatin Nabilah Al Wazirah Binti Jurjainiee.I was born on 22th November 1994 at Hospital Besar, Taiping, Perak.I live at Bagan Serai, Perak but before this I grew up at Kuala Lumpur for about six years.

I have a big family. My father's name is  Jurjainiee Bin Yahya and my mother's name is Faridah Binti Sahidan. I have six siblings and I am the fifth.I have two elder brothers, two elder sisters and one younger sister. 

My eldest brother, Rusdi Al Wazir ,work at Ipoh,Perak as a assistant of site supervisor, while my second brother, Farhan Al Wazir, studies at UniKL MIAT,Sepang, in bachelor programme. My eldest sister, Farah Sakinah Al Wazirah studies at UMK, Kelantan, while my second sister, Fadhilah NaiƩmah Al Wazirah, studies at Politeknik Merlimau, Melaka in degree programme. My youngest sister, Faqihah Syuhada Al Wazirah, studies at SRK Matang Buluh. Bagan Serai,Perak.

 I studied at SMK Alang Iskandar when I'm at secondary school from form 1 until form 5.I got a flying colour of result for my PMR, but I don't want to further my study to boarding school because I hate hostel life.  After SPM, I further my studies at Kolej Matrikulasi Perak (KMPk), for about a years. Now, I'm studying at UniKL MICET in Bachelor of Chemical Engineering in Bioprocess.

I love to cook and draw anime. I'm also love editing videos and pictures.I used to cook anything that I want to eat. My favourite food is Laksa, but I also love to cook and eat something that not familiar in my family such as Sushi and Spaghetti.

 Handmade. = )

I kind of innocent and simple girl but I hate people that keep put me in pressure. I love to smile to people but it depend on the place.  I  love to eat and I really hate if people bother me when I'm eating. 


I'm Hafez :D

Greetings readers :) Name given, Muhammad Hafez Firdaus Bin Abdul Majid. Born on 29th Oct 1994 in Kuala Lumpur. I was raised up and live in Ipoh, Perak, just before until 6 years in Kuala Lumpur. Since I moved to Perak because it is my mother hometown.

My father's name is Abdul Majid bin Mat Noor and my mother's name is Rosesidah binti Zainuddin. I'm the eldest among the four siblings. I have two little brothers and one little sister. My second brother name is Muhammad Hafez Fakrullah bin Abdul Majid. He's 17 years old and studying in SM Anderson, Ipoh. In fact, he is sitting for SPM this year. My little sister name is Siti Nur Farahanis binti Abdul Majid. She is 15 years old and studying in SK Seri Kepayang. Plus, Anis is quite different for us because she is 'special' person. And here goes my little brother, Muhammad Hafez Fahmi bin Abdul Majid. He's 13 years old and studying in SM Anderson, Ipoh.

About my study background, I went to SK Cator Avenue for the primary school. Next, I went to SMK Raja Chulan and gradually completed my Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) with sastifaction results. The next move was, I further my study in Kolej Matrikulasi Perak (KMPk) for a year. Till now, I studying in UniKL MICET in Bachelor of Chemical Engineering in Bioprocess.

I love to read motivational books, fiction and facts novel, surfing internet especially in social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. And yet, I have talent that I can be proud which is playing some musical instruments such as guitar and drums. I'm also a freak in movie and television drama series. While, when I got some leisure time, I used to be read an article about what is happening in this world, today. I'm literally grateful to the Almighty of what I become and what I have now. Just for now, till we meet again in my writings. Thank you for reading.


I'm Hariz

Holaaa Guys, this entry going to be a self-intro on me, one of theAl-Fateh’s Heir blogspot admins. I’m Hariz Haikal b Nasuha but you guys can call me either Hariz or Haikal. I was born  on 3rd November 1994at Kajang, Selangor  in The Land of Satay!Hehe . 

I was raised up in Muar,Johor with my other 5 siblings. My formal education starts since I was 4 years old. Scared and too naive was being the reason I went into various kindergarten and primary school..Almost everyday I cried in schoo.hahaha.. After that, its a new chapter for me when i entered secondary school. I went to Muar High School, its an institution that mould a lot of leaders like our Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyidin Yassin and Ex-Chief Minister Of Johore, Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman, Ex J-Corp CEO, Tan Sri Ali Hashim and lots more.

Pn Hajah Latifah (Ex Principal), Tan Sri Muhyidin Yasin (Deputy PM)

I was the Deputy Head of Student Leader Board, President  for 3 clubs which isTunas Bestari Johor (TBJ),Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya (PRS) and Cybrkids Club.My highest achievement is when I represent Malaysia in an ASEAN ICT Competition. I represent 3 district (Muar, Batu Pahat and Segamat) in a robotic competition twice and achieve First Runner Up for the year 2008 and 2009 during state level. I was also a Malay debater back in those days and got 1st Runner Up in 2010 and 2nd Runner Up in 2011 for district tournament.
Representing Malaysia in An ICT Competition
 Debating (Quarter Final)

 I also was awarded for the Best Johore RK Student for my PMR (Penilaian Menengah Rendah) result and got an offered to further my study in boarding school but I insist staying there. In that school I build my courage, I stood in front of a lot of people, i gain a lot a friends and experience. It was sure one of the greatest memories in my life.

I furthered study at Johore Matriculation College in pure science. It was just for one year but I've sure those one year give me alo of new experience.
Annual Dinner for Pembimbing Rakan Dinamik. Back then I was the President of this club and we have a lot of fun on that night!

And right now, here I am at UniKL MICET, taking Bachelor of Chemical Engineering in Bioprocess. Well, hope you all will enjoy with our entries. Bye!